For clean rooms and classified spaces

Pass boxes (SAS)



Dynamic material feed-through

The dynamic material pass-box is a safe access system between two rooms that ensures that no contamination occurs
between these rooms.

This is achieved through an interlock between its doors and an external air circuit that adapts the interior to the conditions of the classified room.

Fully integrated in the room panel.



Static electric material flow meter

The static electrical pass-box is a safe access system between two rooms that ensures that no contamination occurs between these rooms.

It is achieved through an electrical interlock between its doors.

Fully integrated in the room panel.



Static mechanical feed-through

The mechanical static pass-box is a safe access system between two rooms that ensures that no contamination occurs between these rooms.

The interlocking system between doors is achieved mechanically by means of a
cam connected to both doors.

Fully integrated into the room panel

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